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I like, playing bass, parkour, hanging out with my friends,etc.. AND I'M A NINJA!(Really! I am a ninja.)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Parkour Tips

To be a successful traceur, you gotta know a few basic things before you to complete a successful run.
1. Wear athletic clothing. Jeans and baggy clothing will not help you out at all. Also skinny jeans don't help either. Tight fitting running shoes with grip, shorts or track pants. A t-shirt is good depending on the weather.

2. Inspect the area. Make sure there isn't any life threatening obstacles in the way, such as, gaps too far to jump or a gap that has a life threatening drop.
3. Go with a friend. They can offer good advice, help you if you out if you bail out and fall.

Follow these steps and you'll have a bigger chance in a successful run.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My First Parkour/Free Running Video

My first front flip on tape. Sorry about the bad quality.

Parkour Movements: Wall Jump

Wall Jump: To step off of a wall in order to overcome anothter object, or get height to grab something.

Parkour Movements: Precision

Precision: Static or moving jump from one object to a precise spot on another object.

Parkour Movements: Gap Jump

Gap Jump: To jump from one place to another, over a gap or distance.

Parkour Movements: Drop

Drop: To jump to the ground or drop to the ground.

Parkour Movements: Roll

Roll: A forward roll where your hands, arms, and diagonal of your back is involved. This is used to transfer energy from jumps and to minimize the impact, preventing in a more painful landing.

Parkour Movements: Muscle Up(Climb Up)

Muscle Up(Climb Up): To get up from a hanging position, into a position where your upper body is above the object, supported by your arms.

Parkour Movements: Kash Vault

Kash Vault: This vault involves two vaults. First you peform a kong vault diving over the obstacle, then performing dash vault to get you past the object.

Parkour Movements: Dash Vault

Dash Vault: This vault involves jumping over the obstacle, then when your almost done the vault, you place your hands on the obstacle, giving yourself more momentum.

Parkour Movements: Kong Vault

Kong Vault: This vault involves diving forward over an obstacle, so that you become horizontal, pushing off with your hands, then tucking your legs in so you become upright to get ready to land.

Parkour Movements: Lazy Vault

Lazy Vault: To get over an object by placing one hand, then at the end of the vault, use the other hand to push yourself forward and finish the vault.

Parkour Movements: Speed Vault

Speed Vault: To get over an obstacle by first, jumping side ways then placing one hand to make yourself upright again and continue running.

Parkour Movements: Turn Vault

Turn Vault: A vault or drop using a 180 degree turn. This is used to place yourself hanging from an object in order to shorten a drop or prepare for a jump.

Parkour Movements: Vault(Pass)

Vault(Pass): To move over an object with your arms to ease the movement.

Parkour Movements: Wallpass(Pop Vault)

Wallpass(Pop Vault): Getting over a tall object usually by a use of a step off the wall to turn forward momentum into upward momentum, then climbing up with your arms.

Parkour Movements: Lache(Swing)

Lache(Swing): To hang or swing, dropping to the ground or swinging to another object.

Parkour Movements: Underbar

Underbar: Jumping or swinging throuJustify Fullgh a space between other obstacles.

Parkour Movements: Cat balance

Cat Balance: Using your arms and legs to move across the crest of an object.

Parkour Movements: Balance

Balance: Moving across the crest of an object.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Parkour Movements: Landing

Landing: Bending your knees when you make contact from a jump or fall. Always land on the balls of your feet. Landing flat footed or on the heel can result in more pain when landing.